Singaraja – The Rector of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha), Prof. Dr. I Wayan Lasmawan, M.Pd., accompanied by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Cooperation, Prof. Dr. Gede Rasben Dantes, S.T., M.T.I., and the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Alumni, and Public Relations, Prof. Dr. I Ketut Sudiana, M.Kes., gave strategic instructions in a meeting with the Heads of UPA, Heads of Centers, and Divisions within Undiksha, Friday (7/2/2025). The meeting which took place in the Ganesha III Room of the Rectorate was an important momentum to strengthen the commitment and readiness of the institution to face major changes, namely the transition to a Legal Entity State University (PTN-BH).
In his speech, Prof. Lasmawan emphasized that position placement is not only based on academic qualifications, but also considers dedication, commitment, and proficiency in carrying out tasks. According to him, every individual has the opportunity to develop as long as they have a strong willingness.
Furthermore, he asked all unit and division leaders to understand well the main tasks and functions that have been given in the decree. He also emphasized the importance of maintaining the spirit of each unit, center, and field to its true essence so as not to be trapped in common work patterns. “Give the best version for this institution. Don’t just stay in your comfort zone,” he said.
In facing the changes towards PTN-BH, Prof. Lasmawan reminded the units within Undiksha not to just stick to the old work program. He asked each head of UPA and the center to examine and revise their work programs to be more in line with the new vision of the institution.
In addition, units or sections that have the potential to generate income are also encouraged to optimize these opportunities to support Undiksha’s financial independence in the PTN-BH era.
The Rector from Bangli Regency closed his direction by inviting the entire academic community to work more innovatively and productively for the progress of Undiksha. “Let us together build Undiksha with new enthusiasm, fresh ideas, and stronger commitment. Transformation towards PTN-BH is both a challenge and an opportunity to take Undiksha to a higher level,” he concluded. (hms)