field- Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) is one of the tertiary institutions that hold the status of an Education Personnel Education Institution (LPTK) in Indonesia. Improving quality and competitiveness continues to be a commitment to be realized. One of them is through strengthening cooperation with other tertiary institutions, especially those with the same status. This was conveyed by the Chancellor of Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd at Padang State University (UNP) in a series with the LPTK Cup, Thursday (31/10/2019).
It was explained that strengthening cooperation really needed to be done because Undiksha was still relatively young, including as an LPTK. This collaboration is not only related to research but can be in the form of sharing related to institutional governance. So far, this has been going on, including with UNP. “Undiksa is the youngest LPTK university. Therefore, we are excited to come here, always maintain good relations, and work together with TTI universities, with UNP, and others, we have carried out good collaborations,” he explained. According to Jampel, Undiksha has the same commitment as UNP and other LPTKs, namely to produce quality and competitive graduates. “We agree, even though we are a university, our core is still producing quality teachers. That’s why we always have discussions,” he said.
It is also considered that the implementation of the Teacher Professional Education (PPG) program can also be synergized, one of which is related to the selection process so that students are truly qualified, in the sense of having good integrity. “How can we do a good screening, so that prospective students are really qualified, really good, in the sense of good integrity? How he wants to be a teacher, not want to find a job to be a teacher. It’s different. There must be a teacher’s spirit and soul,” he said. Apart from domestic universities, Undiksha, which already has a medical faculty, also collaborates with foreign universities, such as Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand for the implementation of street vendors and PPLs. In addition, there were also students from Taiwan, China, and Japan on student exchanges. (hms)
- Rektor Undiksha hadir di Universitas Negeri Padang