Executive Team B Undiksha Singaraja, Ketut Budaya Astra/Wayan Artanayasa were success in winning gold medal at Tennis Tournament of the eighth of LPTK Cup on Saturday in Yogyakarta.
It was the first time for Undiksha Singaraja in winning the gold medal after waiting for 22 years, started from Sudjiran in 1995 which now changing into LPTK Cup.
In LPTK Cup that was conducted in Yogyakarta, Undiksha sent Prestasi Team with 1 double of Executive A and 2 doubles of Executive B. The defeat of Prestasi Team and Executive A Team in the beginning of the tournament is healed by the winning of Executive B Team in final round.
Wayan Artanayasa who also stands as the Vice Dean II in Sport and Health Faculty Undiksha said that from five games that they competed with, finally Undiksha got the first gold medal after beating Negeri Jambi University team by the score 8-1. “This champion was the maximum effort from Undiksha Singaraja’s Tennis Team as the result of the exercises before”, he said.
In his opinion, Undiksha Singaraja’s Tennis Team is respected by all of the competitors around Indonesia. This winning also could be achieved because of the supports from the Undiksha itself. This moment is hoped as the starting point of the other bright achievement on the next LPTK Cup. Therefore, he invites all members of the Undiksha’s Team to prepare the next two years event in Padang, 2019