Singaraja- Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) received a visit from the Teaching and Education Faculty of Dwijendra University, Denpasar, Friday (13/5/2022). This is also in the context of Field Work Lectures (KKL) for students, one of which is related to career development.
The visit was received by the Head of Undiksha’s Academic, Student Affairs, Planning, and Cooperation (AKPK) Bureau, Drs. I Made Yasa, M.Pd., accompanied by the Head of the Undiksha Career Development and Student Entrepreneurship Unit (UPT-PKKM), Nyoman Karina Wedhanti, S.Pd., M.Pd. Yasa expressed his appreciation for choosing Undiksha as an MPA destination. Through this, it is expected to strengthen the relationship between the two campuses and complement each other. “By being visited by other universities, Undiksha is seen as having more value,” he said.
It is hoped that this collaboration will not only be for KKL but can be developed for other Higher Education Tri Dharma programs, including the implementation of the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) policy. “We don’t see private or state campuses. But we’ll see the advantages it has,” he added.
Dean of FKIP Dwijendra University, Dr. Drs. I Made Kartika, M. Si., said that the selection of Undiksha as the goal of the KKL was inseparable from its rapid development. He emphasized that Undiksha’s profile has always been a reference for his party in implementing various programs, starting from the curriculum and resource persons. “So for this year’s KKL we chose Undiksha because it is one of our favorite PTNs from a source of knowledge, skills, and so on it will be able to help our students, especially those who will finish their studies so that later there will be provisions to sail or look at the future. ,” he said.
The implementation of this KKL aims to provide provisions to students, especially related to careers so that later they are ready to face competition after holding a bachelor’s degree. Regarding the MBKM implementation collaboration, he welcomed it very positively. In fact, this has been supported by cooperation between the two universities. This collaboration is expected to run more massively and have a positive impact on each university and faculty and study programs in it.
On this occasion, the students listened to the material with the head of UPT PKKM Undiksha, Karina Wedhanti, as the speaker. He explained material about UPT PKKM, management patterns, and programs implemented. Apart from that, the lecturer in the English Education Study Program also gave tips on career preparation. He invites students to always upgrade their value before plunging into the world of work by participating in various programs prepared by the government and private parties. “Some of them are independent campus internships and independent studies, independent student exchanges, and so on,” she said. In addition, students also need to add insight and train soft skills through career training to increase understanding and deep skills in public speaking, making the course of life, exercise interviews, and others. “Development of self-competence really needs to be done. Including expanding relations, “she concluded. (hms)