Singaraja– Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) is holding a joint summer program with Diponegoro University (Undip) and Muria Kudus University (UMK). This program, which also presents students from abroad, discusses the revitalization of marine ecosystems to increase tourism. The opening was by the Chancellor of Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd., and took place in the Rectorate’s Ganesha III Room, on Monday (23/9/2019).
The activity began with a seminar that presented a number of speakers from Undiksha, the Center for Research, Marine Cultivation and Gondol Fisheries Counseling, Asia Aquaculture Manager Jakarta, from Pangasinan State University, Philippines, from Undip and UMK.
Chancellor Prof. Jampel positively welcomes this program which is funded by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. He even considered it an honor because Undiksha was trusted as the host. ‘Of course, we really appreciate this. Because Undiksha is the co-host,” he explained, accompanied by Undiksha Deputy Chancellor I, Dr. Gede Rasben Dantes, S.T., M.TI., and the Head of the Undiksha Office of International Affairs and Cooperation, Dr. Ni Made Ratminingsih, M.A.
Especially for the topic raised, it is considered very relevant, because Undiksha has a fisheries and marine department. Apart from that, the marine sector is still quite complicated with problems, one of which is the siege of plastic waste which is very dangerous for the marine ecosystem. “Nowadays, marine life often dies due to garbage. Like turtles found dead in the waters of Penarukan,” he explained.
Through this program, it is hoped that a solution will emerge to address this problem so that in the future the sea will remain sustainable and increasingly support people’s lives, especially the coast. Undiksha as a tertiary institution that carries the Tri Hita Karana philosophy, one of which is establishing good relations with the environment, has contributed to saving the marine sector by preserving mangrove forests. “Of course, Undiksha which has study programs related to maritime affairs has a responsibility to take care of it,” he said.
Head of the Undip Office of International Cooperation, Dr. Ir. Ita Widowati, DEA admitted that she was very proud of the implementation of this consortium program. “This is very proud because it is funded by Ristekdikti. Apart from that, of the ten proposals, only this was approved,” she said. For Undip, the maritime sector receives serious attention. Various programs have been directed at these sectors, including those related to the legal and social fields. “At Undip, the scientific subject is about the sea. We concentrate on building the coast. All of them lead to the sea,” she said. This program is expected to be able to spark public awareness to be more serious about protecting the sea, including students. “Students who take part in this activity are from outside the maritime. We want his concern for the sea to grow too,” she added.
The same thing was also conveyed by the Dean of the UMK Faculty of Agriculture, Ir. Zed Nahdi, M.Sc. Even though the tertiary institution does not yet have a marine study program, this program is considered very useful because it can add insight. “We just have an agricultural study program. If viewed broadly, activities related to maritime affairs are included in the realm of agriculture. Of course, this program is related to our study program. We hope this can continue,” he explained.
Meanwhile, Asia Aquaculture Manager Jakarta, Alexandre Veille, revealed that the siege of plastic waste is one of the problems in the marine sector. In this program, this is criticized, as well as a solution for handling it is discussed.
In addition to the seminar, the joint resource which lasted for one week was also filled with environmental awareness actions, such as releasing hatchlings cleaning up trash on Penimbangan Beach, and introducing marine grape cultivation. (hms)