With respect, in the context of the re-enrolment of new students through the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) in 2023, Ganesha University of Education has carried out a validation of report card values with the values listed on the School and Student Data Base (PDSS). However, there are some data that do not match the data in the PDSS and the data in the student report cards. In this regard, we invite the Principal/School Operator to attend offline (for schools located in the province of Bali) and online (for schools outside the province of Bali) to carry out verification The data is according to the following schedule.
- For schools located in the province of Bali:
Day/Date: Monday, 5 June 2023
Time: At 10.00 WITA
Place: Auditorium Building of Ganesha University of Education
Udayana Street Number 11 Singaraja - For schools outside the province of Bali
Day/Date: Monday, 5 June 2023
Time: 13.00 WITA
Through the application:https://go.undiksha.ac.id/undangan_verifikasi_snbp
Meeting ID: 981 6253 9267
Passcode: 295132
That being said, thank you for your attention and presence.
For complete information and a list of invitees, see the attached file.