Singaraja- Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) conducted an initial orientation for participants in Category II 2022 In-service Teacher Professional Education (PPG Daljab) online, Wednesday (24/8/2022). Through this opportunity, participants consisting of various fields of study are invited to show their best performance and be able to pass on their experiences to other teachers and students.
This was conveyed by Undiksha’s Deputy Chancellor for Academic and Cooperation, Dr. Gede Rasben Dantes, S.T., M.T.I., opening the event. It was further stated that the PPG Daljab category II program is one of the flagship programs of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) in order to create superior and professional teachers in their fields. Affirmed, this program is in-service training, which is a government effort to improve the knowledge and skills of teachers who already have teaching experience in education units. “I hope that the participants will seriously take part in this activity, then take as much knowledge and experience as possible. Show the best performance and pass it on later to other teachers or to students. Don’t just show the best performance in this PPG. After that go to school back to the beginning, “he asked.
There are three expected learning outcomes through this PPG. First, the participants are able to carry out their professional duties as charming educators based on an attitude of love for the motherland, authoritative, firm, disciplined, full of calling, Samapta, accompanied by a spirit of completeness and generosity. Second, able to formulate indicators of higher-order thinking learning outcomes that students must possess including attitudes, knowledge, and skills as a whole (critical, creative, communication, and collaborative) that are future-oriented (adaptive and flexible).Third, mastering teaching materials including advanced meaningful material.
Meanwhile, PPG Undiksha Coordinator, Drs. I Gede Nurjaya, M.Pd., explained that based on initial data, the number of registered PPG participants was 1,072 people. However, along the way, three people resigned for various reasons. “So that the number of participants who took part in the initial orientation was 1,069 people,” he explained.
The participants, he continued, came from 86 regencies/cities spread across 14 provinces in Indonesia. In terms of fields of study, it consists of Balinese, Indonesian, English, guidance and counseling, Science, Physics, Mathematics, PG PAUD, PGSD, Physical Education, PPKN, and Informatics Engineering Education. He added that the implementation of PPG learning was supported by 151 lecturers and 163 teachers. “We appreciate this support,” he added.
After the initial orientation, participants will take part in a number of activities for approximately one semester, starting in August. Among them, are material deepening, learning development, and Field Experience Practice (PPL). (hms)