Jakarta- Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd has been appointed Chancellor of the Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha), for the 2019-2023 period by the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti), Mohamad Nasir, Friday (12/4/2019). In this second position, the internationalization of the institution is one of the things that is being strengthened.
The inauguration also coincided with seven other officials based on the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number 12447/M/KP/2019, 12448/M/KP/2019, 12449/M/KP/2019, 12450/M/KP/2019, 12451/M/KP/2019, 12452/M/KP/2019, and 12453/M/KP/2019 which were signed on April 11 2019. Jampel said that after the inauguration he immediately closed ranks with the heads of faculties and units within Undiksha. This agenda also conveys the Chancellor’s vision for the next four years, namely realizing a superior Undiksha based on Tri Hita Karana through internationalization and a trend center university. Apart from that, it also further strengthens its commitment to realizing the institution’s vision of becoming a superior university based on the Tri Hita Karana philosophy in Asia by 2045. “After this, of course, we will immediately prepare future programs. Increasing publications and research is one of the focuses to be worked on. This is what the Minister emphasized. “This includes strengthening internationalization which has been planned for 2019,” he explained after the inauguration which took place at the Kemenristekdikti Building, Senayan, Jakarta.
The issue of increasing publications and research was actually planned during his first term of office. This was also supported by the formation of an acceleration team and the results were very positive. The number of publications and research has increased quite significantly. Both of them have been included in the 2019-2020 launch of a reputable international university, in addition to other programs, namely developing a curriculum based on KKNI with international recognition, developing internationally standardized infrastructure, reforming democratic, humanist, and collaborative higher education governance based on ubiquitous services with the use of modern information technology. It is no less important to strengthen and improve human resources, both staff and lecturers who have international recognition.
Meanwhile, 2021-2023 is declared the year of the trend center university. The program makes Undiksha a reference and role model for national learning. Apart from that, there is also the development of research that has become a national and international reference, developing downstream research results based on industry and social engineering role models, making Undiksha a publication reference with high individual and institutional indexation. Strengthening human resources is also still a concern this year. It is also targeted to become a national reference. In the midst of increasingly fierce competition, the Professional Certification Institute (LSP) has also been developed. “I also want Undiksha to be a reference for learning through schooling, education, and training programs,” he explained.
Apart from the program, after the inauguration, the former Deputy Chancellor II of Undiksha also prepared the names of the Deputy Chancellors who would assist in launching the realization of the program. Who he is, has not been revealed. “What is clear is that the current Vice Rectors I and III cannot serve anymore,” said this academic from South Kuta, Badung Regency. When asked about the principles of building institutions, he continued that the most important thing was maintaining conduciveness and commitment. “My principle is how we work peacefully,” he added.
Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Mohamad Nasir ordered the new officials to avoid conflicts in institutions and focus on governance that can be held accountable to the public. “These officials must work together with the environment within them, to achieve the goals of universities, institutes, and polytechnics. This is very important for advancing higher education, both public and private in Indonesia. “What concerns us is the issue of good university governance, good university governance,” he stressed.
These officials are also encouraged to advance the institution, among other things, by raising the Institution’s ranking and encouraging research, technology, and innovation through increasing the number of publications, applied research, and/or innovation, encouraging innovators to achieve patents, and encouraging the entrepreneurial spirit of students. “Students and female students must also be encouraged to become innovators,” he concluded. (hms)
- Suasana pelantikan Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd sebagai Rektor Undiksha periode 2019-2023 di Kemenristekdikti, Jumat (12/4/2019).