Singaraja- Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) continues to take strategic steps to improve quality. One of them is through personnel bureaucratic reform. The preparation of the documents was carried out on 4 and 5 January 2019. In this activity which took place at the Inna Sindhu Beach Hotel, Sanur, Denpasar, five teams were formed, each of which worked on different things.
Undiksha Chancellor, Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd., when opening the activity, said that currently, the largest existing university in North Bali is able to compete with other tertiary institutions, especially the Education Personnel Education Institute (LPTK), one of which is in terms of infrastructure. However, there is still a need to improve the quality of a number of aspects. The field of personnel reform is one of these areas. “Reforming the personnel bureaucracy is important to get the attention of all parties. “This is also an effort to improve the quality of the institution,” he stressed.
In preparing this document, the team was encouraged to prioritize efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, accountability, and service. According to him, if this can be packaged nicely, the quality of staff in the future will be as expected. “These five principles can be used as a reference in preparing documents,” said the former Deputy Chancellor II of Undiksha.
It was further stated that this document not only accommodates administrative staff but also educational staff (lecturers). More important than that, it is also necessary to analyze employee needs over several years. “We need to map out what is needed,” he said. The Chancellor from South Kuta, Badung Regency appreciated the performance of the team which was able to work quickly and maintain very intensive communication. “We appreciate it because we can still work on holidays,” he added.
Head of the Undiksha General and Financial Bureau Personnel Division, I Made Karunia, S.T., M.Kom., who is also the chairman of the workshop committee, said that the five teams had different tasks. Namely as a team for compiling performance indicators for contract employees, a team for mapping and needs of Human Resources (HR), a team for preparing personnel bureaucratic reform documents, a team for preparing Standard Operating Procedures (POS) for evaluating educational workforce and finally a team of reviewers and job transfer analysts. implementing Civil Servant (PNS) education staff for Undiksha in 2019. “This team works according to their field. “The results are immediately presented before being made into a complete document,” he explained.
It was further stated that the results of the workshop would also be discussed at the leadership meeting. It is possible that there will be additional data and constructive input. “No later than February 12, this document will be completed and then submitted to the center,” he said. This workshop was also attended by Vice Chancellor II Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Lasmawan, M.Pd., Deputy Chancellor III, Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Pujawan, M.Kes., and Deputy Chancellor IV, Drs. I Wayan Suarnajaya, M.A., Ph.D.(hms)
- Undiksha menggelar workshop penyusunan dokumen reformasi birokrasi kepegawaian