Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) is committed to producing qualified and competitive graduates. This commitment was reciprocated by the D-3 English Study Program, Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Languages and Arts by preparing participatory and collaborative learning designs in vocational studies programs through problem-based learning and project-based learning. This was confirmed through workshops on 29 and 30 September 2021 online.
Chairman of the Committee, Dr. Ni Putu Era Marsakawati, S.Pd., M.Pd., explained that problem-based learning is more focused on students. Students are encouraged to be more active and maximize critical thinking skills to find solutions to existing problems. In addition, through project-based learning, students are encouraged to be more active and solve complex problems, increase collaboration, and are able to develop and practice communication skills. “By using this learning tool, learning is more centered on students. Students are trained to think critically to solve real problems that exist in the world of work and practice working collaboratively in designing a project. Things like this really help students to adapt more quickly to the world of work later, “she explained.
This event was attended by 40 participants consisting of vocational lecturers inside and outside Undiksha, vocational teachers, and teacher training students. There were two sources presented. First, Dr. Endang Soelistyowati S.Pd., M.Pd., lecturer at the Gajah Mada University vocational school. He explained the material for designing participatory and collaborative learning using problem-based learning and project-based learning. Second, Sang Putu Arsana M.Pd., a practitioner from the world of hospitality. He reviews the cases or problems that are usually encountered in the industrial world. These cases or problems become a reference for lecturers and vocational teachers to design problem-based learning and project-based learning. “We hope that through this workshop, the knowledge and insights of the participants can increase and can subsequently produce the expected learning tools,” she added.
This activity was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Arts, Prof. Dr. I Made Sutama, M.Pd. In his remarks, he expressed his appreciation for this activity. According to him, what was initiated by the study program was in line with the independent learning campus policy and the achievement of Higher Education Main Performance Indicators (IKU) regarding collaborative and participatory classes. “We at the faculty encourage study programs to prepare learning designs that are relevant to the needs so that later graduates can compete, especially in the world of work,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Dr. Ni Luh Putu Eka Sulistia Dewi, M.Pd., who closed the activity also appreciated this workshop and hoped that more activities and other collaborations could be carried out in the future. He hopes that the material presented by the two speakers can help lecturers and workshop participants, in general, to be able to design participatory and collaborative learning through problem-based learning and project-based learning. “Remembering these two types of learning methods are able to facilitate students in achieving their learning goals so that graduates of vocational study programs can be quickly absorbed in the world of work,” she concluded. (hms)