Singaraja – Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) has again been trusted as a test provider for Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) in 2021. This time the Computer-based Assisted Test (CAT) Field Skills Selection (SKB) under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology was held at the UPT ICT Undiksha Building, Saturday (4/12/2021). This activity received direct monitoring from the Secretary of the Buleleng Regency Covid-19 Handling Task Force and the Head of the Republic of Indonesia Ombudsman (ORI) Bali Representative accompanied by the Deputy Chancellor for Planning, Financial Administration and Human Resources of Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Lasmawan, M.Pd. as well as the Head of the Undiksha General Affairs and Finance Bureau, Ni Luh Wayan Yasmiati, S.H., M.Pd.
Committee Chairman, I Made Karunia, S.T. M.Kom., explained that there were 135 people registered in this selection. They are Candidates for Civil Servants who have passed the Basic Competency Selection, then chose the location of the SKB at Undiksha. “This SKB was attended by 135 participants. Undiksha facilitates those who choose Undiksha as a CBT location. We use 3 rooms, namely the Vidcon Room, West Lab, and East Lab of UPT ICT, each room is divided into 3 sessions. Then later on the 7th and 8th, there will be interview tests and microteaching for teaching staff, and performance tests for educational staff,” he explained.
Secretary of the Buleleng Regency Covid-19 Handling Task Force, Drs. Gede Suyasa, M.Pd. those present who directly monitored the implementation of this activity stated that the committee was very ready to carry out this selection, especially since Undiksha had previously been the coordinator of the 2021 CPNS SKD implementation. He revealed, from a technical point of view of the health protocol, the committee had taken into account the room capacity, distance, and flow of participants’ arrivals. “Implementation of the SKB has been quite good. Each room is no more than 15 people with a distance of up to 2 meters between participants. The principle is that in a room with central air conditioning, with a count of 1.5 hours, participants are not allowed to take off their masks, including supervisors. At present, there are two keys that are most trusted in preventing Covid, namely the implementation of the Prokes and vaccination,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of ORI Bali, Umar Ibnu Alkhatab said that based on the results of his monitoring, all the selection processes went well and according to procedures, including the implementation of the Covid-19 prevention protocol. “As far as we can see. Everything went well and professionally. Of course, everyone has paid attention to the health protocol. Of course, how are the Prokes implemented in a disciplined manner or not? We hope to produce good output and maximum results, “he said.
The committee has tried to prepare and carry out this selection optimally. By still paying attention to the regulations given by the ministry and by the Task Force for handling Covid-19. (hms)