The Legal Studies Student Association, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences (FHIS) Ganesha Education University (Undiksha) held a national seminar, Friday (28/12/2018). This annual event presents a lawyer resource person, Dr. Hotman Paris Hutapea, S.H., M.Hum. This famous lawyer uses various tricks on “How to become an international lawyer”, according to the theme being promoted. According to him, thorough preparation is needed to make this happen. “Don’t dream of becoming an international lawyer if you don’t want to work hard in the right place,” he said in front of hundreds of participants from various circles.
This lawyer, born in Tapanuli, North Sumatra, in 1959, said that to become an international lawyer, you have to really think about where you study or do your internship. It is recommended to dock in Jakarta. Because, this megapolitan city, is a place for large business activities. No less important, you must have worked in “giant” offices for a minimum of five years. “So life is a choice. No one can become an international lawyer if they have not worked as a subordinate for a minimum of five years in the offices of giants in Indonesia. If it’s only regional, it’s only regional matters, so it can’t be international. Because almost all company offices are in Jakarta. 70 percent of this country’s money is in Jakarta too. And those related to foreign countries are also in Jakarta. So you really have to (apprentice-ed) in Jakarta. There is no other choice,” he said.
It was further stated that it would take a long period of time to make this happen. It’s not just enough to be equipped with legal knowledge obtained in college. But you also have to build a network and develop clients. “Only five percent of those in college. So if you really want to become a complete lawyer, you must have high-flying hours in the capital. There is no other choice. “You have to be forced to understand internationally, forced to understand how foreigners think, forced to be able to speak English,” added the lawyer for the three children.
Meanwhile, Undiksha Deputy Chancellor II, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Lasmawan, M.Pd., admitted that he highly recommended this student activity, especially presenting well-known speakers in the legal field. “Especially by presenting speakers like Hotman Paris. That’s something extraordinary for Undiksha. Presenting it is not an easy matter with his various activities. “He is a popular, international lawyer,” he said.
This activity, he continued, is also a promotional medium for the institution, introducing Undiksha in the community and erasing the stigma that places it as a teacher producer only. “This is one of the things we hope for, that the stigma of Undiksha as a teacher producer will begin to erode. At Undiksha there are currently 27 non-educational study programs. “This means that we no longer produce prospective teachers, but also human resources that match the qualifications needed by society,” he stressed.
The largest state university in North Bali carries the vision of becoming a superior university based on the Tri Hita Karana philosophy in Asia by 2045. Lasmawan encourages FHIS to form an international class. According to him, the Department of Law has quite a big opportunity for that. “To realize Undiksha’s vision, one of the strategies carried out is the development of international classes. I have emphasized earlier that starting from the 2019 academic year, we, the leaders, hope that in the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, there will be at least one international class. “Through this, Undiksha’s existence, not only in Asia but also in the world will be achieved,” added this academic from Bonyoh Village, Kintamani District, Bangli.
Head of the Legal Sciences Department of FHIS Undiksha, Ratna Artha Windari, S.H., M.H., said that through this seminar, students and the general public gain an understanding of international lawyers. He also hopes that the graduates can follow in the footsteps of Hotman Paris, who was very successful as a lawyer. “Hopefully, through this seminar, motivation will emerge to become an international lawyer,” She said.
Especially for students, academics who studied Law at Brawijaya University encourage them to improve their English language skills. At Undiksha, this has been facilitated through the International Center for English Excellence (ICEE) program. “We continue to strive to improve the quality of graduates. “This also includes the hope of forming an international class, we will immediately review that,” She added. (hms)