Singaraja- Ganesha University of Education has strengthened the development of the Alumni Service Information System (SIPA). This was done through a focused discussion that took place in the Nitisastra Seminar Room, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Tuesday (4/7/2023). This discussion was attended by leaders from the university to the faculty level. In addition to inviting alumni representatives.
This focused discussion also presented a guest speaker, Associate Expert, Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency for the Province of Bali, Dr. Ni Made Suciani, M.Pd. He delivered the material “Harmonization of Alumni for Career/Business”.
The SIPA development is a change project designed by the Madya Adhli Functional Officer, Nyoman Doddy Widhiastana, S.T., M.M. as one of the projects in his participation in the 2023 II National Leadership Training.
The emergence of the change project idea is inseparable from the achievements of IKU 01, namely graduates getting decent jobs, which still need to be optimized every year, even though the targets are always exceeded. Dody Widhiastana explained the concept of SIPA as alumni harmonization, namely the establishment of a harmonious relationship between alumni and alumni, helping each other and supporting each other, especially in getting a job or entrepreneurship. This harmonious relationship is in accordance with the philosophy carried out in Undiksha’s vision, namely the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana. Tri Hita Karana is three harmonious relationships that lead to happiness for mankind. “By utilizing alumni and alumni networks to support job vacancy information and with this information system it makes it easy for alumni who have experienced problems wanting to inform job vacancies because there is no link,” he said.
The long-term goal of this change project is the implementation of a regulated alumni service mechanism and the optimal achievement of IKU 01. Through this focused discussion, Dody Widhiastana hopes that there will be suggestions and input from related parties so that later the system created can truly provide benefits for the university and specifically for alumni. “Of course, we hope that this system can really support university performance improvement. Can create an effective service system and strengthen alumni synergy with universities. Because of that, we need input from other parties, “he added.
Meanwhile, Undiksha Deputy Chancellor for Planning, Finance, and General Affairs, Dr. I Wayan Artanayasa, S.Pd., M.Pd, who represented the Chancellor, expressed his appreciation for the idea of designing this system. According to him, in the digital era, information system-based services are very important to implement. The aim is none other than to increase the effectiveness of services and expand the range of access for alumni who are spread across various regions in Indonesia. “This is of course if it is packaged properly, Undiksha alumni who are already around 66 thousand can be served optimally and can share information with each other,” he said.
He emphasized that university synergy with alumni is needed. This is not only related to access to information about job or business opportunities that can be built but also other matters related to the future development of the university. Therefore, SIPA is expected to continue to be developed. “Alumni are a barometer, our strength that needs to be facilitated. This must be optimized to bring Undiksha’s marwah forward. Therefore, our alumni must be facilitated, both in entrepreneurship development and others,” he concluded. (hms)