Singaraja- Geoculturally, the territory of the Indonesian state consists of thousands of islands that are inhabited by people with different ethnic backgrounds, cultures, languages, and religions/beliefs. A pluralistic society composed of diverse ethnic groups (ethnic group) or ethnic groups and their traditions and culture, not only has the opportunity to make the Indonesian nation a strong nation in the future but also has the potential to encourage social conflict that can threaten the foundations of nation-state integration (nation-state).
In response to this issue, the Department of History, Sociology, and Libraries of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences (FHIS) Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha held an International Seminar with the theme “Improving Multicultural Attitudes In New Normal Era” on November 26 and 27 2020. This activity presented world-class speakers, such as Prof. Adrian Vickers, BA., Ph.D., from The University of Sydney, Prof. Kimura Toshiaki from Tohoku University, Prof. David Reeve from UNSW Sydney, Safirotu Khoir, Ph.D., from Gadjah Mada University, and Prof. Dr. Nengah Bring Atmaja, M.A., and Dr. I Made Pageh, M.Hum., from Ganesha University of Education.
The Chairperson of the Committee, I Wayan Pardi, S.Pd., M.Pd., stated that this activity was to instill awareness in the Indonesian people about diversity (plurality), equality (equality), humanity (humanity), justice (justice) and democratic values (democratic values) in the era of the Covid-19 Pandemic which is needed in social activities and world association. Head of the Department of History, Sociology and Libraries Ketut Sedana Arta, S.Pd., M.Pd., said this activity was also to strengthen intercultural relations, communication, and brotherhood among ethnic/religious groups in Indonesia and other nations in the world.
Dean of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Prof. Dr. Sukadi, M.Pd, M.Ed., in his remarks, hoped that this activity could contribute to anticipating problems of inter-ethnic social insecurity in Indonesia and the world so that it would contribute to the interests of national unity and integrity. (rls)