Singaraja- The Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact globally. This phenomenon has caused the world and Indonesia to enter a new era of order that aims to control the spread of Covid-19. As an educational institution to educate prospective doctors, the Undiksha Faculty of Medicine (FK) held a National Seminar with the theme “Opportunities and Challenges of Medical Education in a New Life Order” online, Friday (11/20/2020).
The activity which presented 2 speakers was opened by the Undiksha Deputy Chancellor for Academic and Cooperation Affairs, Dr. Gede Rasben Dantes, S.T., M.TI. In his remarks, he really appreciated this activity and hoped that the FK Undiksha academic community could make the latest breakthroughs, especially in the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. “Through this activity, I hope that the Undiksha Faculty of Medicine will be able to take opportunities and innovate in the learning process to produce quality doctors,” he said.
Meanwhile, Chair of the Seminar Committee, Dr. dr. Ketut Indra Purnomo, S.Ked, M.Kes said that through this activity the academic community can examine the opportunities and challenges of medical education in a new life order. “With this convening, it can be used as a reference for making education the most important by taking advantage of the opportunities that exist and can be utilized by educators, especially during this pandemic,” he concluded.
The first guest speaker, Prof. Dr. dr. Hartono, M.Sc, from Sebelas Maret University, delivered material related to “New Life Order Policy and Its Implementation in Teaching Hospitals”. Meanwhile, the second resource person, Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med. ED, Ph.D., Sp.OG (K) from Gadjah Mada University delivered the material “Medical Education During the Covid-19 Era – Adapt to the Change”. After the presentation of the material by the speakers, the event continued with a discussion session. The enthusiasm of the participants from Undiksha Faculty of Medicine lecturers, students, and several doctors was evident from the liveliness of asking questions and the existence of two-way discussions with resource persons.
This event was closed by the Dean of FK Undiksha, Prof. Dr. dr. M Ahmad Djojosugito, Sp.B, Sp.OT(K), MHA, MBA, FICS. He gave appreciation to the experts who had become speakers. “To all the academic community of the Undiksha Faculty of Medicine, let’s jointly apply the knowledge that has been obtained at this national seminar to be applied to the learning process at Undiksha Faculty of Medicine,” he concluded. (hms)