Singaraja- Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) held a public lecture entitled “Strengthening the Higher Education Supervision System”, on Thursday (21/9/2023). This event was attended by the Inspector General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek), Dr. Chatarina Muliana, S.H., S.E., M.H.
Apart from being attended by Undiksha leadership, this public lecture also invited related stakeholders, starting from the police, prosecutor’s office, Buleleng Regency Government, and so on. Apart from that, there were also thousands of students as participants.
Chatarina Muliana said that the education sector is still prone to corruption. Apart from that, it also conveyed the latest issues related to fraud and abuse of power at PTNs and the latest issues related to abuse of autonomy in higher education environments. Anticipating the emergence of these issues, it is very important to strengthen the supervision of higher education institutions, not only by relevant stakeholders who have duties and functions in law enforcement. Lecturers, staff, and students can also take part. He emphasized that strengthening supervision is one part of higher education bureaucratic reform which aims to create better higher education governance, create world-class universities, and create superior graduates or human resources.
Undiksha Chancellor, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Lasmawan, M.Pd in his speech said that currently Undiksha, which still has the status of Public Service Agency State University (PTN-BLU), is planning and proceeding towards becoming a Legal Entity State University (PTN-BH). Undiksha is one of 15 PTNs “demanded” by the Ministry of Education and Culture to transform into PTN BH no later than 2024. Therefore, improving, strengthening, and synergizing all potential is a must. “One form of innovation that must be carried out by higher education is how universities carry out internal supervision in the context of their operational dynamics,” he said.
Supporting supervision, Undiksha has made innovations in the form of a complaint system which is also launching on this occasion. The existence of this complaint system, according to Prof. Lasmawan is a form of Undiksha’s commitment to building institutions in a better direction together with relevant stakeholders. (hms)