Singaraja– Students at the Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) have made achievements at the national level again. This time it came from the XII National Student Exhibition in the Field of Information and Communication Technology (Gemastik) which took place at Telkom University Bandung on October 24-26 2019. The Undiksha team won 1st place and 1st hope for the Game Development Division.
Based on the information gathered, the first winner (gold medal) was donated by the GANESHA_GAME01 Team, which consists of I Putu Kusuma Putra, Made Agus Panji Sujaya, and Kadek Marta Werdaya with a game product entitled “Legend of Cendrawasih”. Meanwhile, the 1st runner-up came from the GANESHA_GAME02 Team which consisted of Kadek Teguh Yogi Aditya, Kadek Wawan Cahyadi, and Ayu Dyah Pradnya Paramitha with a game product entitled “Balinese Lontar Thematic Educational Game”.
This achievement also put Undiksha in the VI National ranking, competing with prestigious universities in Indonesia which are in the top ten. The team was coached by Made Windu Antara Kesiman, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., and Ketut Udy Ariawan, S.T., M.T. Both of them appreciated the achievement and hoped that it could be a motivation for other students. “We are certainly proud of this achievement. But we still want to achieve even more achievements in the future. Including other students,” he said.
Chancellor of Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd., also stated this. This achievement is considered proof that Undiksha students are no less great. “Undiksha students have extraordinary skills. We want things like this to continue to grow,” he said. It was also stated that achievement was not only important for students but also for study programs and universities to support accreditation. This is also able to increase the competitiveness of universities, at both national and international levels. “This achievement is also part of participation in building Undiksha. so we continue to encourage other students to be able to carve the same thing. We also ask for support from all lecturers, “he concluded.
This achievement was also conveyed to Undiksha Vice Chancellor III, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Suastra, M.Pd., Monday (11/11/2019). The Vice Chancellor of Doctoral Degree at the Indonesian University of Education (UPI), Bandung emphasized that Undiksha is very committed to helping and supporting students to further improve their achievements. “Not only academic and non-academic achievements, but institutions also want students to be more caring and innovative. So there is a need for collaboration with other students. For example, community service,” he added. As a form of appreciation for the achievements of Udniskha students, Suastra also added that students could compete in international competitions. “This not only shows the quality of the study program but can also increase the clustering of higher education institutions,” he said. (rls/hms)
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