Ganesha University of Education, Undiksha Singaraja, held Pendidikan Profesi Guru (PPG) and PPG Sarjana Mendidik di Daerah Terluar Terdepan dan Tertinggal (SM3T).
Taking a year with dormitory system, this program was attended by 106 new teacher candidates at Undiksha Singaraja, including 38 people for subsidized pre-titles PPG and 68 for PPG-SM3T.
After the opening of academic orientation of PPG SM3T in theater room of Faculty of Languages and Arts on Thursday (08/02/2018), Chairman of Maju Bersama Mencerdaskan Indonesia (MBMI) Undiksha, Drs. Gede Nurjaya, M. Pd., explained that Undiksha has been trusted to manage PPG SM3T since 2014. The orientation was held in an attempt of providing motivation and mental strengthening to the participants and improving their academic competence. Thus, they would know the comprehensive model lecture in which they would play an active role in getting the results. In contrast to regular tutorial lectures, each lecture in this program would be tried out in schools and they were required to get educator certificates with four competencies.
“Furthermore, we give mental reinforcement here by considering four competencies that should be achieved in PPG namely professional competence, personality competence, social competence, and pedagogic competence. Personality and social competence are not only gained during the lecture, but also done in the dormitory. This is what dormitory system means.” he explained.
Coordinator of MBMI program, Gede Nurjaya, showed the trust given to Undiksha based on decree of Minister of Research and Technology of High Education in PPD implementation until 2019 and the opening of PPG study program.
In the same place, Rector of Undiksha, Nyoman Jampel, said that Indonesia would have certified teachers from the recruitment. It was indeed admitted that the teachers were more highly required than the graduates were. Those who wished to be teachers must have PPG certificate. According to the Law Number 14/2005 about Teacher and Lecturer, it was mentioned that PPG participants could be those with bachelor of education degree or bachelor of non-education degree who passed PPG such as law degree, accounting degree, and many others. The implementation of PPG in Undiksha involved the region of Bali, NTB, NTT, and Papua. Undiksha should be proud of being a thousand-window campus which was always featured as The Best Five in its implementation.
“The comparison between PPG students and the needs of teacher in each region shows unbalance quota. The needs of teacher in Bali is still less and we require teachers from outside. In one regency, it is still required around 600 more teachers, while our PPG students are still tens,” he said.