Singaraja- Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) never stops getting sweet gifts. After the Midwifery Study Program, which has only been in existence for a year, received B accreditation, from previously C, now the largest state university in North Bali has succeeded in achieving A accreditation from BAN-PT. This was welcomed proudly by the entire academic community and employees.
This achievement is based on BAN-PT decision No.26/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/PT/II/2019. Undiksha Chancellor, Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd., said that what was achieved could not be separated from a series of policies that had been issued, starting from the declaration of accreditation years, publications, information technology and internationalization at home and others related to institutional development. This is supported by the struggle of the entire academic community and employees. It is no less important because there is a common commitment to bringing the institution in a better and more competitive direction. “We really appreciate this achievement. “Of course, this is thanks to joint hard work,” he said. With A accreditation, it is hoped that the interest of the younger generation to study at Undiksha will increase.
Despite the positive results, efforts to improve quality continue to be made. The achievement targets do not only stop at institutional accreditation. But it also continues in faculties and study programs. Apart from that, the “harvest” of professors has also been accelerated, as well as improving institutional governance. “Now only new study programs are accredited. “The others have B and A,” he said.
As previously reported, the field assessment of the university which has a Faculty of Medicine by a team of assessors from BAN-PT took place on February 14, 2019. There were five assessors present, namely Prof. Dr. Soesanto, M.Pd from Semarang State University, Prof. Dr. Made Sudarma, SE., MM., Ak from Brawijaya University, Prof. Dr. Indri Safitri Mungkono from Airlangga University, Prof. Dr. Taslim Ersam, MS., from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) and Dr. Lukito Edi Nugroho from Gadjah Mada University. The academics were welcomed by the Undiksha academic community, from the leadership level to students. The assessment began with an interview with the chancellor and staff who focused on seven standards, from the institution’s vision and mission, governance to research. The stage continues with field assessments in the lab, library, and UPT ICT. There are also interviews with alumni, students, and graduate users.
Before submitting the minutes to the chancellor, the assessor team conveyed various things. Like Lukito Edi Nugroho. He saw that in general the management of the institution was good. However, it is considered that there is still a need for efforts to improve quality which in the end can make this university with eight faculties more competitive. “For example, in lab management, attention needs to be paid, both in terms of security, comfort and health,” he said.
Meanwhile, Taslim Ersam emphasized that this accreditation is not the end of the institution’s development. After this, it is hoped that there will continue to be development efforts that can advance the world of education. It was also emphasized that improving the quality of Human Resources must also receive serious attention. Other assessors also provided similar input. (hms)