Tourism medical education, which is the “spirit” of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) at Ganesha Education University (Undiksha), has received a positive response from a number of groups. As is the case with the Tourism Office and Buleleng Regency Regional Hospital. The reason is, that it is believed that graduates will be able to increase the comfort of service, especially for foreign tourists because they are equipped with other abilities, outside the medical field. This was revealed in the Focus Group Discussion (FGD), on Thursday (10/1/2019).
Head of the Buleleng Tourism Service, I Nyoman Sutrisna, who was the resource person, said that tourism development in Buleleng Regency in recent years has been increasingly rapid. Visits are not only domestic but also foreign. This requires serious attention. Not only in public services at tourist attractions but also in other aspects, namely in health care. “Like a cruise ship visiting Celukan Bawang Harbor. There needs to be a health examination service. If there are doctors who specialize in that, it will be very good. “We really support Undiksha in working on education like that,” he said.
It was further stated that excellent health services are also one part of creating comfort when traveling. Therefore, it is hoped that FK Undiksha can always synergize in the future, including with tourism players. “Hopefully this can create increasingly quality tourism,” added the bureaucrat from Kendran Village, Buleleng.
The Director of Buleleng Regional Hospital, Dr. Gede Wiartana. According to him, the existence of FK Undiksha is beneficial for the hospital. Because a number of specialist doctors were “approached” to become teaching staff. Likewise, FK graduates will be able to improve services in hospitals. “The response is certainly very good because it is mutually beneficial between the hospital and FK Undiksha,” he said. So far, he continued, there are no doctors who specialize in tourism at the hospital located on Jalan Ngurah Rai. “If the patient is a foreign citizen, yes. “With various complaints of illness,” he said.
Meanwhile, Undiksha Chancellor, Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd., said that this FGD was a medium for receiving input which could later be used as a guide in implementing the tri dharma of higher education, especially in FK. “This invites relevant stakeholders, from FK Udayana, the Tourism Office, and PHRI, as well as the dean himself. “We hope that through this there will be input to improve quality, especially in the teaching and learning process,” he explained.
The former Deputy Chancellor II of Undiksha is optimistic that FK with an educational core will be able to produce doctors with abilities that surpass others. “I’m optimistic about that because it’s more educational. “Not only does it teach students academic skills, but also to make them have more character, be responsible and especially serve,” he stressed.
Facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0, improving the quality of Human Resources (HR) at the faculty which was founded on August 8 2018 continues to be carried out. Closely related to tourism, mastery of a foreign language is mandatory. “Students are required to master English and other foreign languages. “This is important to increase competitiveness,” he stressed.
Development of facilities and infrastructure also continues. According to the design, the faculty is of international standard. This is also to support the internationalization of at-home universities which was launched in 2019. “This international standard is the easiest to do compared to the others. “This is in line with the launch of internationalization,” he concluded. The FGD which took place in the Ganesha III Room of the Undiksha Rectorate also presented resource person Prof. Dr. M. Ahmad Djojosugito, dr. Sp.OT (K), MHA., MBA (Dean of FK Undiksha), Dr. Dr. I Dewa Made Sukrama, M.Sc., Sp.MK (K) (Deputy Dean I FK Unud), dr. I Wayan Sudana, M.Kes (Director of Sanglah Hospital) and Dr. I Nengah Laba, S.Pd., M.Hum (PHRI Bali). Apart from that, he also invited a number of high school/vocational school principals in Bali along with student councils to socialize about FK Undiksha. (hms)
- FK Undiksha menggelar FGD dengan menghadirkan sejumlah narasumber