Singaraja- Responding to the industrial revolution 4.0, Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) does not only focus on developing Human Resource competencies. More than that, strengthening the soft skills aspects of students is also carried out. One of the ways to do this is through a seminar held by UPT Career Development and Student Entrepreneurship (PKKM), Monday (21/10/2019). The seminar which was attended by hundreds of students presented a guest speaker, Gede Dody Sanjaya. He has a number of expertise, ranging from interpersonal communication skills, business continuity plans, change management, and so on.
The head of the committee, Nyoman Karina Wedhanti, S.Pd., M.Pd, revealed that Undiksha students are currently entering the Z generation. This generation is a topic of global conversation because it will dominate the human population in the future. This generation will also struggle with the dynamics of the 4.0 industrial revolution era. Therefore, it is necessary to have soft skills that include core human characteristics such as creativity, imagination, intuition, emotion, and ethics. “Students must have these soft skills. So that later in the face of competition more prepared, “she explained. In addition, in the report of the World Economic Forum, mastery of soft skills is required for workers to be able to compete in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 by 80 percent. “The rest, technical skills are only on a scale of 12 percent,” she said.
Vice Chancellor III Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Suastra, M.Pd said that soft skills will be able to increase competitiveness when they enter the world of work. In this case, students must be critical, creative, collaborative, and communicative which characterizes the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. According to him, soft skills could become the main requirement for getting a job in the next few years. I no longer looking at academic certificates. “Later you may not see the academic certificate. But competence skills. Therefore, students must be accustomed to collaborating, establishing good communication, and thinking critically and creatively,” he emphasized.
Undiksha itself, in increasing the competitiveness of graduates, has taken steps to prepare a curriculum that is relevant to future needs. However, it was emphasized that the arrival of students who entered as a digital native generation to tertiary institutions were not recipients of knowledge, but seeking knowledge. On this occasion, students were also given socialization related to Undiksha Library services. Students are expected to be able to take advantage of these facilities in supporting the development of knowledge. (hms)