Ganesha Education University (Undiksha) this year received a scholarship allocation from Bank Indonesia (BI). Dozens of students from a number of study programs in four faculties took part in interview selection in the Rectorate’s Ganesha III Room, on Tuesday (26/2/2019).
Undiksha Deputy Chancellor for Student and Alumni Affairs, Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Pujawan, M.Kes welcomed the scholarship positively because it was able to support the smooth running of students’ education. This year, the largest state university in North Bali allocated 50 people for students from the Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Engineering and Vocational Studies, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Faculty of Law and Social Sciences. It is hoped that in the future there will continue to be increases in quantity and quality. “We really appreciate this scholarship. We still hope that in the future the number of recipients will increase. “Students can also come from other study programs,” he said, accompanied by the Head of Student Affairs and Public Relations, Drs. I Ketut Surya Panca.
It was further stated that there were 74 applicants for this scholarship who were fourth and sixth-semester students. To qualify, they take part in an administrative selection and interview. “Students who qualify for this scholarship must be able to demonstrate achievement. You have to have more abilities,” he stressed.
The manager of the Communication and Policy Coordination Function of KPW BI Bali, Hery Catur Wibowo, said that the selection was carried out strictly. Interviews are not only about academic ability but also personality. It was also emphasized that recipients of this scholarship will continue to be monitored and evaluated. If during the journey it does not meet the requirements, a replacement will be made. This was also conveyed to the head of the institution. “It will be replaced by number 51 and above,” he explained.
It was further stated that scholarship recipients must also actively participate in activities organized by BI. It is hoped that the university can provide support. This already happened in the previous year. “Every province has this activity. “Every representative office,” he added. (hms)
- Suasana pembukaan seleksi beasiswa BI di Undiksha