Singaraja- Stage IV Basic Instructional Techniques (Pekerti) Improvement Training held by the University of Education of Ganesha (Undiksha) closed, Sunday (14/8/2022). After this, the participants consisting of dozens of lecturers are expected to be of higher quality in carrying out the learning process for students.
The closing event was coupled with outbound activities at Jembong Campsite, Sukasada, Buleleng. The participants took part in various games to foster a sense of togetherness and as a refresher after participating in class activities for six days.
This activity was attended by the Head of the Undiksha Learning Development and Quality Assurance Institute (LPPPM), Prof. Dr. I Made Ardana, M.Pd. He was accompanied by the Secretary, Dr. I Gusti Lanang Agung Parwata, M.Kes.
Ardana explained that the Pekerti program was one of Undiksha’s flagship programs in order to improve the teaching abilities of lecturers, especially those related to pedagogy. Lecturers are expected to be better at designing learning, implementing learning, assessing learning, and so on. “Of course, we hope and want that after this character, lecturers’ pedagogical abilities will get better,” he said.
Delivered further, lecturers have a role to shape student behavior to be ready to fight in any condition. Therefore, in addition to pedagogical abilities, lecturers must also have professional, social, and personality competencies. Professional competence is demonstrated through educational and social qualifications and personality is developed through group activities, one of which is outbound.
This academic from Denpasar also alluded to the opportunities for challenges for lecturers in the future, namely not simply conveying student knowledge, but also character. Character is likely to be seen more dominantly in the future world of work competition. Therefore in teaching students, there are two keys that need to be considered by lecturers. First, it must be able to facilitate students or students to master knowledge and secondly, facilitate them to become good and wise individuals. In this case, the lecturer must apply the paradigm, namely knowledge is power, but character is more. “So knowledge is important but character is much more important. That has to be changed in the paradigm of the lecturers,” he concluded. (hms)