Singaraja- Pre-position Teacher Profession Education or Pendidikan Profesi Guru) Students of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha) are not only given reinforcement of educational and teaching competencies, specifically in the academic field. More than that, there is also a strengthening of character realized through social visits. This activity occurred at the Udyana Wiguna Social Home, Singaraja, Saturday (4/3/2023).
This activity was filled with the delivery of basic food assistance to the orphanage. In addition, PPG Pre-position students also interacted with the orphanage children to share experiences.
Activity companion, Putu Indra Christian, said that this social visit was a form of concern or humanity for others. This activity is also a form of implementation of one of the Tri Hita Karana local wisdom values, namely Pawongan. The philosophy of Tri Hita Karana by Undiksha is used as a foundation in the implementation of various activities, including as a foundation in realizing the vision of becoming a leading university in Asia by 2045. “Pawongan itself has the meaning of harmonious relationships with fellow humans. As social creatures, humans cannot live alone. They need help and cooperation with others. This social visit forms PPG Pre-service students’ concern for social parties, especially people in need,” Indra explained.
He further explained that this social visit is a concrete form of strengthening the character of students who are expected to become individuals who have a high concern for others and are able to establish good interactions with the entire community. “This activity is also a form of Undiksha’s partnership with all levels of society,” he added. The implementation of this activity received appreciation from the orphanage. The assistance it receives is also very helpful in meeting daily needs. (rls/hms)