Singaraja- The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) of the Republic of Indonesia held a study tour to China involving 45 students, from 15 to 22 June. A total of 33 students were Bidikmisi recipients. The rest are student organization activists from various campuses in Indonesia.
One of these students came from the Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha). She is Ketut Budi Wahyuni, a Bidikmisi recipient, and also a member of the KMHDI organization. After her arrival from the land of pandas, this fourth-semester student of the English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, met with the Chancellor of Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd in his office, on Friday (28/6/2019). A little story was shared. To participate in the program you must meet several requirements. Have English language skills and write an essay on the topic “Chinese Culture and Technology”. “I joined through KMHDI. “I happen to study at Undiksha, so there was also a recommendation from the Chancellor,” she said.
Her departure along with other participants was released by the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Mohamad Nasir in Jakarta. While in China, she learned a lot of new things. Starting from knowing several very historical tourist attractions, such as the Beijing Zoo, the Forbidden City in Beijing, The Great Wall Badaling China, and the Hebei Museum. This object has experienced very rapid development. “Beijing Zoo is a characteristic of Chinese tourism. “Known as the Panda animal,” she said.
She had the opportunity to go to the Great Wall of China which is more than 13,000 miles long. The wall was built as a symbol of the eternal strength of Chinese civilization and prevented attacks by invaders from entering China. Apart from that, the Hebei Museum is located in Shijiazhuang in Hebei Province. This museum is very famous in China and has more than 200,000 cultural heritage objects.
Apart from historical objects, there are also visits to games or animation companies Perfect World. Visiting the factory of a large milk manufacturing company (Junlebao) in Hebei Province and visiting the National Library of China which is very technologically advanced. “Many Chinese students also study abroad as much as possible. “After graduating, they return to develop their own country until they are finally able to create new, creative, and innovative technologies,” she said.
Specifically related to education, the youngest of four siblings visited the National Library of China, which is one of the largest libraries in the world, with a book collection of more than 37 million items and is a document of world history holding the largest book collection in China. Apart from that, there were also visits to Peking University and Hebei Normal University. “There is a lot that can be learned from Indonesia’s progress from the story of China, which is now a very developed country,” she added.
Chancellor, Prof. Jampel appreciated the participation of students who live in Banyuning Village, Buleleng. It is hoped that in the future he will be able to become an inspiration for other students. In fact, continuing to boost achievements will be able to increase competitiveness. “This should be an example for other students. In terms of performance, it must also continue to be improved. “It is no less important to be able to implement the Tri Hita Karana philosophy which is the basis of the university’s vision,” he stressed. (BW/hms)
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