Singaraja– Students from abroad who take part in the Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) program at the Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) are not only introduced to the culture, especially Bali. However, this student from the Netherlands also took part in a cooking class with an Indonesian menu, Tuesday (29/10/2019).
Before the cooking activities started, students had the opportunity to directly buy various ingredients at the traditional market in Singaraja City. This is also at the same time to introduce him to the environment, including the community. This activity looks very enjoyable, seen from the warm interaction with traders.
Meanwhile, specifically for the cooking class, they make light menus that are often consumed by Indonesian people, such as fried bananas, fried rice, soup, and so on. His activities received special assistance from lecturers and students who became volunteers. “This cooking class stems from learning about shopping in class,” said the Head of UPT Undiksha Language, Putu Ayu Prabawati Sudana, S.Pd., M.Hum.
Delivered further, this program also at the same time to introduce various types of Indonesian cuisine. “In addition, students will learn so they can cook Indonesian food with existing ingredients. They will also get used to shopping at the market,” he said. Previously, they also attended cultural classes, namely learning to make canang and Balinese dancing. The program is also in great demand. (hms)
- Mahasiswa Program BIPA Undiksha mengikuti cooking class