Singaraja –Post activity technical meeting Program Triple Helix Animal Husbandry, Chancellor and Deputy Chancellor I of Undiksha, Regent and Deputy Regent of Buleleng and Head of Agriculture Service of Buleleng Regency accompany the Directorate of Food and Agriculture Bappenas Team, PSTA BATAN, and Central Queensland University Representatives inspect the location of the planned development of Cattle Farming Center in Munduk Village, Banjar District, and Patas Village and Sanggalangit Village, Gerokgak District, Monday (2/3/2020).
To support this program, the Buleleng Regency Government and the Bali Provincial Government will prepare nearly 130 hectares of land spread across Munduk Village, Sanggalangit Village, and Patas Village. “Later the Buleleng Regency Government will prepare land for use, namely land belonging to the Provincial Government and the Regional Government to be precise in Munduk Village, Banjar District and Gerokgak Village and Patas Village, Gerokgak District,” said the Head of the Buleleng Regency Agriculture Office, Ir. I Made Sumiarta.
After reviewing the two locations, Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Central Queensland University, Prof. Alastair Dawson, revealed that this collaboration was related to plans to build a more productive center and system to produce beef cattle in Buleleng Regency. “We’re looking to do a partnership with the university with the government to develop an agricultural industry, building a sustainable center and building much but more productive systems for beef cattle in this region. (We want to do partnerships with universities and governments to develop sustainable centers and build a much more productive system for beef cattle in the region, ed),” he said.
Asked about the potential of the two lands, Dawson revealed that Undiksha and the Buleleng Regency Government were very responsive to this program, so they prepared these two very promising lands. “This location has an enormous amount of promises for the development of the agricultural industry to build a strong foundation for future agriculture and husbandry in the area and beef cattle production. All the way through the system side, we think this area is going to be excellent as a base camp for building that. (This location is very promising for the development of the agricultural industry to build a strong foundation for the future. Agriculture and livestock around the area including beef cattle production. Along the system side, we think this area will be very good as a base camp to build a center for the agriculture and livestock industry),” he concluded.
Chancellor of Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd. also revealed that through this program, Undiksha is expected to be able to develop a technology-based Animal Husbandry study program, which means that this study program will be different from existing animal husbandry study programs. “Through this program, Undiksha will be assisted by Bappenas and Central Queensland University to establish a technology-based livestock study program,” he said.
As previously reported, the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) through the Directorate of Food and Agriculture together with Central Queensland University collaborated with Ganesha University of Education and the Buleleng Regency Government to organize the ProgramTriple Helix Farm. This program plans to build the largest cattle breeding development center in Bali and establish a technology-based Animal Husbandry study program at Undiksha. This program will make Buleleng a cattle breeding pilot project, towards self-sufficiency in beef. (hms)
- Arahan dari Bupati Buleleng terkait pengelolaan lahan
- Desa Munduk, Kecamatan Banjar Kabupaten Buleleng
- Penjelasan dari Kepala Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Buleleng terkait lahan di wilayah Kecamatan Gerokgak
- Arahan dari Wakil Bupati Buleleng terkait pengelolaan lahan
- Arahan dari Wakil Bupati Buleleng terkait pengelolaan lahan
- TIm Program Triple Helix Peternakan dari Undikha, Pemkab Buleleng, Central Queensland Universiti, BATAN dan Bappenas