Dozens of Ganesha Education University students from various study programs received scholarship environmental development assistance from Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI). The handover took place at the Undiksha Seminar Building (GSU), on Wednesday (27/2/2019).
Head of BRI Singaraja Branch Office, Darwis Muhammad, said that the bank, which is a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN), is committed to supporting the education of the young generation who will become the nation’s next generation. Providing scholarships for students is one strategy. “This scholarship is a form of BRI’s concern for the condition of society. “This is a form of corporate social responsibility,” he said.
He further stated that BRI’s collaboration with Undiksha has gone very well. Not only in scholarships but also in CSR to support other activities. It is hoped that this can continue and get better. “For the scholarship, this is the second time. “Hopefully it can help streamline student education,” he said.
Meanwhile, Undiksha’s Deputy Chancellor for Student and Alumni Affairs, Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Pujawan, M.Kes said that there were 50 students who received scholarships worth IDR 5 million per person. Apart from referring to academic abilities, in the application requirements, they are also required to submit a Student Creativity Program (PKM) proposal. “This is a proposal for 2018. PKM is a requirement that must be met. “They were proposed by the faculty to the rectorate and then submitted to BRI,” he explained.
It is hoped that this disbursement of funds will be able to reduce the cost of studying and create motivation to improve one’s abilities, both academic and non-academic. “Recipients of this scholarship must be able to have more abilities. “You have to show your quality,” he stressed. Apart from banking, this university with eight faculties also receives allocations for bidikmisi and PPA scholarships. “There is also a chancellor’s scholarship,” he added.
One of the recipients, Ni Luh Putu Wiwik Wulandari, a science education student, admitted that she was grateful to be able to get the scholarship. “I use this to support my education, such as buying books,” he said. This student from Tabanan also admitted that he was trying his best to improve academic and non-academic quality. “It was also made for PKM,” she said. (hms)
- Penyerahan beasiswa dari BRI ke Undiksha