Towards the end of 2018, Ganesha University of Education through its Postgraduate Program succeeded in “giving birth” to two doctorates. Namely, Dr. Made Hery Wihardika Griadhi, S.H., M.Si and Dr. Nyoman Trisna Herawati, S.E., Ak., M.Pd. The promotion exam for the two who took the Education Science Study Program took place, Tuesday (11/12/2018).
The exam in the Undiksha Postgraduate seminar room was divided into two sessions. Starting with Wihardika Griadhi. The man who also serves as Head of the UPT of the Undiksha Library presented a dissertation entitled “Determination of Service Quality of the Undiksha Library on User Satisfaction, Reading Interest and Student Learning Achievement in Relation to Achievement Motivation”. It is explained in detail from the background and results of research that began to be carried out about a year and a half ago. The examiners also asked a number of questions and some also provided suggestions. It was responded to quite bluntly. In the end, he was declared the 13th graduate of the doctoral program with a very satisfactory distinction.
In between exams, the man born in Sanggalangit Village, Gerokgak District, on August 3, 1972, talked about the ins and outs of preparing his dissertation. He doesn’t just drain his mind and energy. But also time. Because, apart from being a library captain, he is also trusted as a lecturer at the Faculty of Education and Faculty of Law and Social Sciences Undiksha. “Indeed, there are obstacles faced in the study. Especially in terms of time. “It must really be regulated,” he said.
During his four years of studying at the highest level, he admitted that his lecture schedule often clashed with work-related tasks. However, armed with high enthusiasm, this can be done. For him, education is something that is very important to support personal development, as well as being a motivation for his children. “Time with family is also taken up. “Saturdays and Sundays are spent making coursework including dissertations,” said the third child of Drs. Nyoman Cakra Griadhi, Bsc, M.Pd and Nyoman Geria.
Meanwhile, Trisna Herawati raised a dissertation entitled “Analysis of Factors that Influence Financial Behavior in Undergraduate Accounting Study Program Students in Bali”. The explanation is very detailed, as is the answer to the statements made by the examiner. As a housewife and lecturer at the Undiksha Faculty of Economics, this woman with two children also has a similar story to Wihardika Griadhi. She was faced with various obstacles in preparing a very thick dissertation. “There are many things that are overlooked when studying. “From time for family to activities in the community,” she said.
As an ordinary woman, she still feels proud. Because his wish to obtain a doctorate degree can come true. He, who was the 14th graduate, received a very satisfactory title. “Of course, I’m proud because I can finally finish my studies,” she added. Undiksha Postgraduate Director, Prof. Dr.I Wayan Suastra, M.Pd hopes that this new doctorate can contribute more optimally to developing and improving the quality of higher education. “Hopefully this title can make an even bigger contribution to the institution,” he concluded. (hms)