Acceptance of new students through the 2019 Joint Selection for Entrance to State Universities (SBMPTN) and the independent pathway continues to be socialized by the Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha). The steps taken are not only by sending teams to schools. On Monday (18/2/2019), SMA/SMK/MA teachers throughout Bali were also invited to attend the campus which has a Faculty of Medicine.
The socialization which took place at the Undiksha Auditorium was opened directly by the Chancellor, Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd. The Chancellor from South Kuta, Badung Regency also conveyed a number of things related to the campus, starting from the study programs they have, including their accreditation to the types of scholarships. “In Undiksha there are Bidikmisi scholarships, banking scholarships from the district government. There is also a chancellor’s scholarship. “For study programs, only the one that has just received accreditation is C. The others have B and A,” he stressed.
It was further stated that in the educational process, this university with eight faculties is consistent in implementing the Tri Hita Karana concept which is also the “spirit” of the university’s vision. This is one way to produce graduates with character and integrity. “We hope that SMA/SMK/MA graduates can continue their education at Undiksha. “We not only have educational programs, but also more non-educational programs,” he said.
Meanwhile, Deputy Chancellor I Undiksha, Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Putu Arnyana, M.Si, Monday (28/1/2019) explained that for SBMPTN, registration took place from 10 to 24 June. Announcement of selection results on July 9. However, it was emphasized that before registration, prospective participants must take the Computer-Based Writing Test (UTBK). Registration starts from March 1 to April 1 2019 online, via the website use the National Student Identification Number (NISN) and National School Identification Number (NPSN) to get a username and password. After that, participants are advised to choose the day, date, session, and location of the PTN UTBK center to get a payment slip made at the partner bank, except for Bidikmisi registrants. Payment is made no later than 1 X 24 hours. In addition, before the exam, participants need to log in again to the page to fill in the data and print the card.
The registration mechanism, he continued, participants are only allowed to take the exam a maximum of two times, with the provisions of the Science and Technology group testing once, or the Science and Technology group twice, or the Social and Human Sciences group twice. Participants who wish to take the test once can register in the first wave from March 1 to 24 or the second wave from March 25 to April 1. “The test time for the first wave of registrants is April 13 to May 4, and for the second wave is from May 11 to May 26. “For those who take the test twice, they must register in the first and second waves,” he explained.
The exam is divided into two sessions, morning and afternoon on Saturday and Sunday. The methods are the Scholastic Potential Test (TPS) and the Academic Competency Test. Announcement of results is scheduled ten days after the exam. “You can take the test once. But we encourage you to participate twice. So that there is a choice of values used for SBMPTN. We hope that prospective participants can decide early and be well prepared. The exam fee is IDR 200 thousand for one time. “For prospective Bidikmisi participants who are declared to have passed the requirements, they do not pay,” said Arnyana.
It is hoped that this exam can be used as well as possible for high school/vocational school students who want to continue to college. Schools are also expected to provide information. “We hope that this information will be known to class XII students,” he said. The cost of the exam is borne by the participant. Regarding facilities to support the exam, Undiksha is very ready. “We are very ready to accept new students,” he said.
Especially for the independent route, continued admission can be through the talent interest route which is specifically for the diploma program. Registration is open from February 21 to April 8 and graduation announcements are April 17. This path refers to the report card value. Apart from that, there is also the Computer Based Test (CBT) route. Registration is from June 17 to July 19. This pathway is for diploma and undergraduate programs. It’s just that the study program quota is determined by the university.
Head of Undiksha socialization and promotion, Prof. Dr. I Made Sutama, M.Pd., hopes that the information in this socialization can be immediately conveyed to students. “Previously the team had also provided outreach to a number of schools,” he said. According to planning, this year Undiksha accepted around 3,200 students. (hms)
- Suasana sosialisasi penerimaan mahasiswa 2019 melalui SBMPTN dan jalur mandiri