Applied Undergraduate Programme

It is a diploma level equivalent to a bachelor's level (S1). Another name for this level is diploma four (D4). These two programmes are comparable because they have the same scientific weight as the undergraduate level. The difference between undergraduate and applied undergraduate is only in comparing scientific weights. If at the undergraduate level, the weight of scientific theory is around 70%, while the practical weight is 30%. In contrast, at the applied undergraduate level, the scientific weight is approximately 30%, and the practical weight is around 70%. In other words, the bachelor's degree programme focuses on theory, and the D4 diploma programme focuses on preparing students to become practitioners to enter the world of work according to their expertise.

Applied undergraduate programmes focus on producing skilled and superior graduates to fulfill the demand of industry and the world of work. Choosing an applied undergraduate programme is highly recommended if you want to focus on finding a job with specific competencies and skills because you will have the practical skills needed in the world of work as well as complete knowledge of the diploma level below the applied bachelor’s.