Aquaculture Department
Become an Excellent Study Program in Developing Aquaculture Science Based on the Tri Hita Karana Philosophy in Asia in 2045
Mission of Aquaculture Department :
- Carry out education and teaching in the field of aquaculture with dignity to produce competitive, collaborative, and characterized human resources.
- Organizing competitive, collaborative, and innovative research in the field of aquaculture for the development and application of science and technology
- Organizing community service in the field of aquaculture that is competitive, collaborative, accommodating, and innovative.
- Collaborating with various parties in the development of research and service results.
Goals of Aquaculture Department :
- Produce graduates who are competent, entrepreneurial and able to work with various parties, and are able to contribute to the development of eco-friendly aquaculture based on conservation and tourism to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
- Produce research works that are innovative, applicable and responsive to the problems of society, nation and state.
- Produce works of community service that are able to increase the independence and welfare of the community.
- Produce cooperation with universities, agencies/institutions, the business world and industry at home and abroad.
Study Program Profile :
The aquaculture study program is under the MIPA faculty of Undiksha. At this time the status is undergraduate study program (S1). The curriculum model that is used as a reference in the process of implementing the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi is environmentally friendly Aquaculture, Minawisata and Aquaculture to support conservation efforts. Through this, this study program becomes a superior quality institution in the success of the SDGs based on Tri Hita Karana.