Singaraja– Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) held an outbound in Menyali Village, Sawan District, Buleleng Regency, Saturday (10/19/2019). This program received appreciation from students.
In this annual program, students are invited to build togetherness through group dynamics activities. Even though the weather is very hot, the interest to follow it is still very high. The atmosphere of joy was very radiant, accompanied by cheers and iyel-iyel. Student, Bunga Nirmalasari, from Jakarta, admitted that she really enjoyed this activity and hoped that it could continue every year and that more participants would be involved. “Of course, I’m very happy to join. Here we can establish togetherness with other students,” she said.
The same thing was conveyed by a student at Medan State University, Brenda Karison. She who took part in the Permata Sakti program assessed this activity as very positive because it was able to build character and create harmony. “This is very good for character building. From this comes togetherness,” she said.
She also gave a thumbs up for this activity because it has been able to unite students from various study programs. In the future, it is hoped that more and more students will be involved. Even if possible as a whole in one class. “Usually this activity only involves students from one faculty. Executed by BEM. But here you can join other faculties. It was very good,” she said. Apart from going through this outbound, a sense of togetherness is also considered to have been awakened at Undiksha in lectures. “I also see students here as extraordinary,” added this student of the Informatics Engineering Education Study Program. A similar statement was made by a student at Makassar State University, Ainun Ayuangsari. (hms)
- Suasana outbound yang dilaksanakan Undiksha