OUR LIFE in this modern era has alongside with the rapid use of social media. Through various platforms, various things and moments are easily published at the touch of a finger and can be from various places. With just a cellphone, it’s really very easy.
Social media also adds colour to human’s interaction, from the real world to the virtual world. Thus, people who are far away can become close. In its development, social media has also become a promotional media that is so fast and has a wide reach.
Behind the convenience things that offered, there is a dark side that needs to be watched out for, especially related to the negative impact on mental health. Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha’s academician, Dewa Gede Firstia Wirabrata, M.Psi, Psychologist, provides an important insight into the role of social media in our lives. He said that social media is like a double-edged knife. Apart from providing benefits, it can also cause bad effects, such as stress, anxiety, and depression, especially if it is not used wisely.
One phenomenon that commonly happened is “Social Comparison”. Many people are comparing their life with something that they see on social media, and they often just show their positive sides and glamorous. As a result, there is a sense of dissatisfaction with themselves, which can eventually lack of self-confidence and lead to mental health disorders.
In addition, the phenomenon of bullying on social media is also increasingly happened. With easy access of many information, many people feel free to make negative comments or hate speech that can have a very deep emotional impact on the victim. This negative impact can lead to overstress or overwhelming, depression, and even trigger thoughts of extreme actions such as suicide.
The lecturer of the Early Childhood Education Teacher Education Study Program at the Faculty of Education shared some steps to avoid the negative impact of social media, such as finding hobbies or fun activities, exercising, and meeting positive friends who can support us to grow. This way, we can increase our self-confidence and not get caught up in comparisons with others.
In addition, it is important for us to manage our time using social media wisely, be selective in choosing the content that we consume, and maintain a balance between the virtual and real world.
With proper management, social media can be a tool that supports personal growth, rather than a source of problems. Let’s use social media smarter, so that the benefits can be maximized without sacrificing our mental health. (hms)