HAVE you ever felt tired for no reason? Having trouble sleeping, irritable, or losing your passion for the things you used to love doing? It could be that it’s not just because of tiredness, but a sign that stress is starting to take over yourself. If left ignored, it can develop into a more serious mental problem. How do you recognize the signs? What can we do to overcome them?
Undiksha’s academician, Dewa Gede Firstia Wirabrata, M.Psi, Psychology explained that stress is actually a positive thing, if we are in the appropriate level because stress can indicate that we are responsible for something. For example, if someone got stressed when they want to meet someone because they have to think about what they want to say and show. This condition is a form of responsibility. However, if the stress lasts for a long time (1-3 months), it will usually make someone experience changes in habits, starting from changes in sleep habits, changes in appetite, and activity habits. That means this stress has started to be unhealthy. Therefore, we must start thinking whether the stress we feel is normal or not? Do we know the cause of the stress? If someone cannot find out the cause of the stress, the influencing factors, then that person can seek professional help, both counselors and psychologists to be able to break down the existing chaotic threads.
Besides affecting your mental and emotional health, over stress can also affect your physical health. Having physical pains, such as headaches, muscle aches, and even indigestion without a specific medical reason can also be a signal that someone has experienced severe stress. If that happens, we can immediately see a professional, either a counselor or a psychologist to be able to help overcome and find solutions to the stress experienced. However, if these signs have been recognized early on, there are several steps that can be taken to overcome them, such as exercise, meditation, doing hobbies, maintaining a diet, and getting support from those closest to you. So, don’t ignore the signs of stress because mental health is just as important as physical health. (hms)