Singaraja- Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) began holding the Independent Entrance Joint Selection (SMBJM) through Computer Based Testing (CBT), on Wednesday (17/7/2019). The selection, which was divided into the categories of scientific, social, and mixed, was strictly enforced. Passing is confirmed by referring to the score obtained. Not on the amount of Institutional Development Contribution (SKP).
The CBT exam will last until July 19, spread across UPT ICT, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Engineering and Vocational Studies, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Faculty of Languages and Arts. Specifically for the Arts and Physical Education Study Program, there will be a skills exam taking place on July 20. The total number of participants reached 1,357 people, with details of 331 saints, 916 people of social and public relations, and 110 mixed people. In this selection, only about a thousand people were sought.
The exam, which is the final route for admitting new students, is monitored by the Vice Regent of Buleleng, dr. I Nyoman Sutjidra, Sp.OG. The official from Bontihing Village, Kubutambahan District gave his appreciation. This is because the questions given to each participant are different. “So the participants really answered the questions independently,” he said.
Examinations with this pattern are expected to continue to be applied because they are considered capable of producing quality students who can compete in competitions, both at the national and international levels. “We are here and proud because Undiksha has been able to hold CBT. This has to be maintained in the future,” he said.
On this occasion, he also encouraged Undiksha to be able to accelerate the accreditation of the Medical Study Program, so that in the future the number of students who could be accepted would increase. Unlike currently it is still limited. “The Chancellor and his staff are expected to clean up and run. Must pursue accreditation. Later, when it is accredited, there can be more (accepting students-ed), up to 150 at a minimum. Both people from Buleleng, Bali, and from outside,” he said. Not only that, this university with eight faculties is also encouraged to establish other study programs that can support regional potential development, one of which is agriculture. “With a complete education at Undiksha, it can trigger economic development in Bali,” he added.
Meanwhile, Undiksha Chancellor, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd., said that passing the selection was determined based on the passing grade and the highest score. Confirmed, not determined from the amount of donations. “We are not here to determine how much the donation will be. But does he enter the passing grade or has a higher score, “he said. Delivered further, in the exam, each item has a different weight. “With a system like this, we are able to attract good quality students. This is what the campus community and the Buleleng Regency government expect, for us to truly become a university that has competitiveness and is full of quality. This is why the input must be done well,” he explained.
Especially for the accreditation of the Medical Study Program, the former Dean of the Undiksha Faculty of Education (FIP) said that it had been designed. This will also be coordinated with related parties, one of which is the Ministry of Health, which will also provide an assessment. “Actually, referring to the Medical Study Program permit that fell on August 8, 2018, accreditation will be carried out in 2020. But I have instructed the Faculty of Medicine to be able to prepare forms in 2019,” he concluded. (hms)