Singaraja- Ganesha University of Education held a Melaspas ceremony for the Indoor and Outdoor Tennis Building at the Undiksha Campus, Jinengdalem Village, Buleleng, Saturday (7/2/2020). The ceremony, which coincided with the full moon of Sasih Kaulu, was filled with the ceremony of exorcism, forgiveness, and joint prayers.
This ceremony was fostered by Jro Mangku I Wayan Nada who is also the caretaker at Parahyangan Undiksha. Present Undiksha Deputy Chancellor III Prof. Dr. I Wayan Suastra, M.Pd. He explained that this ceremony was for the purification of the building before it was used by students and the academic community, including the community. “We carry out this ceremony, a cleaning program for this GOR before we use it so that unwanted things don’t happen and so that everything is clean before being used by the community and people from outside us. I hope that everything will go smoothly after this,” he said.
Besides that, this Pelaspas ceremony is one of the steps to implement Tri Hita Karana. “Through this Pelalaspas Ceremony it shows a balanced relationship between God, humans, and the environment around which we must preserve and protect together,” he said.
He also revealed that the sports and health faculty (FOK) is managing the GOR and will be managed according to the existing SOPs. “This building was built to provide facilities for the academic community to conduct lectures, including for people who want to rent,” said Suastra while hoping that a building as grand as this could improve student and lecturer achievements.
The Dean of FOK, I Ketut Budaya Astra, S.Pd., M.Or.. said the six tennis courts, namely four outdoor and two indoor, were built to support FOK lectures. He hopes that through this facility, achievements in the field of tennis can increase. “In accordance with Mohammad Nasir’s hopes during the inauguration of this building, with this Indoor Tennis Hall, we hope that our achievements can be further improved. With this building, lecturers and students will practice more intensively and can use it at any time,” he concluded.
The ceremony was also attended by the Head of the Bureau for Academic, Student Affairs, Planning and Cooperation, the Head of the General Affairs and Finance Bureau, dean officials at Undiksha, and a number of lecturers. This Indoor Tennis Court was inaugurated by the special staff of the Vice President for Bureaucratic Reform, Prof. H. Mohamad Nasir, Ph.D., Ak., in December 2019. (hms)