Singaraja- The Legal Studies Program, Department of Law and Citizenship FHIS, Ganesha University of Education, Singaraja, not only implemented an MPA at Atmajaya Catholic University, Jakarta but also at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), March 10, 2020. At this MPA, participants received material related to anti-corruption culture education. This is the initial stage of forming the identity of the young generation who will continue the anti-corruption nation because Indonesia is currently in a serious state of corruption.
Head of the Department of Law and Citizenship, Dr. Dewa Gede Sudika Mangku, S.H., LL.M said that this program is to provide insight to students, as well as to develop an anti-corruption attitude since he was in college so that it has been embedded in his mind that corruption is an extraordinary crime. “We hope that the Law Study Program will be able to produce anti-corruption experts so that they can compete with graduates of law degrees in Indonesia,” he said.
Apart from being related to corruption, through this program, students’ insight into the world of work according to their field of knowledge can be further increased. In addition, it also gets an overview of the relationship between theory and its application and the factors that influence it. (rls)