Singaraja- SMS Link Innovation initiated by students from Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha) leads to achievement. This time from the Indonesia International Applied Science Olympiad competition held at Surabaya from 11 to 14 of December 2021. This work managed to win a gold medal.
In this prestigious competition, Undiksha’s team consisted of Putu Pipit Pricellia Eka Putri from the Law Study Programme, Ayu Yuli Sumidianti from the Accounting Study Program (S-1), Komang Yuda Wiryanata from the Electrical Engineering Education Study Programme, I Gede Adi Darmawan from the Electrical Engineering Education Study Programme, and Kadek Reda Setiawan Suda, an Undiksha alumni.
Pipit Pricellia Eka Putri explained the SMS Link is an electrical control device that can turn on or off electricity based on SMS. This innovation is an effort to anticipate the occurrence of an electrical short that can potentially trigger a fire. “Considering that people’s mobility is currently high and filled with busy activities, they often forget to control electrical appliances in their homes. This can trigger fires. So, with this electrical control device in the form of SMS LINK, we don’t have to worry again if we forget to turn off our home electrical appliances,” She explained when asked to confirm, Tuesday (12/21/2021).
Facing the competition, the team did not only prepare work. But they also have to write an English paper as well as presentation materials. “When explaining to the jury, we also must prepare ourselves to explain it using English, by understanding the material well, making small notes, and describing the advantages of the tools that we bring,” he said.
The competition was followed by 280 teams coming from 14 countries. This achievement is a source of pride for the team. “We are of course very proud to get the Gold Medal at the awarding ceremony because in the midst of this pandemic we can still compete and feel the euphoria of offline competitions again. We are proud to be able to wave the Undiksha’s flag on a majestic stage and side by side with well-known universities,” he added.
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, Alumni, and Public Relations Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Suastra, M.Pd., expressed his appreciation for this achievement. “We are very proud of this achievement, especially at the international level,” he said. He hopes that this achievement will increase the enthusiasm of Undiksha students to compete, especially at the international level. “We at the headship are committed to supporting students who want to compete,” he added. (lpsy)