Dean of The Faculty of Ganesha University of Education

Prof. Dr. I Made Sutama, M.Pd.Dean of the Faculty of Language and Arts
Dr. Dewa Putu Ramendra, S.Pd., M.Pd.Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Faculty of Language and Arts
Drs.I Gede Nurjaya,M.PdVice Dean of General affairs and Finance of the Faculty of Language and Arts
Dr. Drs. I Nyoman Sila, M.Hum.Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni of the Faculty of Language and Arts
Dr. Gede Adi Yuniarta, S.E.Ak, M.Si.Dean of the Faculty of Economics
Dr. Dra. Ni Made Suci, M.Si.Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Faculty of Economics
Dr. I Putu Gede Diatmika,SE.AK., M.Si.Deputy Dean of General affairs and Finance, Faculty of Economics
Gede Putu Agus Jana Susila, S.E., MBA.Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni of the Faculty of Economics
Prof. Dr. Sukadi, M.Pd, M.Ed.Dean of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences
Dr. I Nengah Suastika, S.Pd.,M.Pd.Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences
Dr. Drs. I Made Pageh, M.Hum.Deputy Dean of General and Financial Affairs, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences
I Putu Ananda Citra, S.Pd. M.Sc.Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences
Dr. I Ketut Gading,M.PsiDean of the Faculty of Education
Dr. I Made Tegeh, S.Pd., M.Pd.Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs, Faculty of Education
Dr. I Wayan Widiana, S.Pd., M.Pd.Vice Dean of General and Financial Affairs, Faculty of Education
Dr. Putu Aditya Antara, S.Pd., M.Pd.Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni of the Faculty of Education
Prof. Dr.I Nengah Suparta,M.SiDean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr. I Wayan Sukra Warpala,S.Pd., M.Sc.Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dr. I Gusti Lanang Wiratma,M.SiVice Dean of General affairs and Finance, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
I Nyoman Sukarta, S.Pd, M.Si.Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
I Ketut Budaya Astra, S.Pd, M.Or.Dean of the Faculty of Sport and Health
Dr. I Ketut Yoda, S.Pd., M.Or.Vice Dean of Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Sports and Health
Dr. I Wayan Artanayasa, S.Pd, M.Pd.Vice Dean of General affairs and Finance, Faculty of Sports and Health
I Kadek Happy Kardiawan, S.Pd., M.Pd.Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni of the Faculty of Sports and Health
Dr. I Gede Sudirtha, S.Pd, M.PdDean of the Faculty of Engineering and Vocational
Dr. Ketut Agustini, S.Si, M.Si.Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Faculty of Engineering and Vocational
Dr. Komang Setemen, S.Si., M.T.Vice Dean of General affairs and Finance, Faculty of Engineering and Vocational Affairs
Cokorda Istri Raka Marsiti, S.Pd., M.Pd.Vice Dean of Student Affairs and Alumni of the Faculty of Engineering and Vocational
Prof. Dr. M.Ahmad Djojosugito, dr., SpOT(K), MHA, MBADean of the Faculty of Medicine
dr. I Putu Suriyasa, M.S., PKK., Sp.OKVice Dean of Academic Affairs, Faculty of Medicine
Dr. dr. Ni Luh Kadek Alit Arsani, S.Ked., M.Biomed.Deputy Dean of General and Financial Affairs of the Faculty of Medicine
Dr. dr. Made Budiawan, S.Ked., M.Kes.Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni of the Faculty of Medicine