Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha) implemented various activities that correspond with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To improve the quality of education, Undiksha has partnered with universities nationally and internationally to facilitate student exchanges and guest lectures. Additionally, collaborations are implemented in the areas of research and publication, as well as community service. Some universities that partnered with Undiksha are among others teacher training education institutions from all over Indonesia, La Rochelle University, France, Windesheim University, Netherland, Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, University of Malaya, Malaysia, Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia,Monash University, Australia, Melbourne University, Australia, Griffith University, Australia, Prince Songkla University, Thailand, and Don Mario Marcos State University, Philippines.
In addition to excellent education, Undiksha also promotes healthy health and well-being. Undiksha has created educational resources for nursing studies, involved in preparation of Policy Strategy Study on Stunting Prevention, organized workshops and seminars for students and the public about health, and engaged in community service to prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases among adolescents in collaboration with students from Windesheim University.
To promote gender equity, Undiksha fights for the rights of women victims of sexual violence, conducting seminars on gender equity.
Researchers from Undiksha conducted studies, for example, in isolating, characterizing bioactive secondary metabolites from marine invertebrates such as sponges and nudibranchs (sea snails), developing a Model Based on Sustainable Aquaculture that supports life below water.
The associated link https://undiksha.ac.id/sdgs/report-2023 provides additional information regarding Undiksha's activities that closely correspond with the SDGs.
Assessment Report
This section dives into an assessment designed to gauge Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha's (Undiksha) community's preparedness and knowledge regarding Green IT practices. Establishing this baseline is crucial for building a strong foundation for successful Green IT initiatives within the university. The report delves into the methodology employed for the assessment, including the target audience (faculty, staff, and students), data collection methods (surveys, interviews, focus groups), and the specific areas of Green IT awareness evaluated (knowledge of sustainable IT practices, attitudes towards environmental responsibility, etc.). Key findings from the assessment will be presented, outlining the current level of readiness and awareness among Undiksha members towards Green IT adoption. This will provide valuable insights into potential strengths and weaknesses that can be addressed in the university's Green IT strategy.
UI GreenMetric Report
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha) actively participates in the UI GreenMetric Ranking, a prestigious international ranking system that evaluates universities' commitment to sustainability practices. The UI GreenMetric assesses universities across six key criteria, encompassing 39 indicators, to provide a comprehensive evaluation of their environmental efforts.
Undiksha's participation in the UI GreenMetric goes beyond simply achieving a ranking. It signifies our unwavering dedication to implementing environmentally-friendly policies and initiatives throughout our campus. By benchmarking ourselves against other universities worldwide, we gain valuable insights that fuel continuous improvement and innovation. Ultimately, our participation in the UI GreenMetric reflects our unwavering commitment to fostering a greener future, not just for Undiksha, but for the planet as a whole.

Undiksha’s Annual Performance Report
This report provides performance information on the attainment of strategy, program, and activity targets, as well as related performance indicators, as outlined in the Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha) Performance Agreement for 2023. In 2023, Undiksha has established four targets and 10 performance indicators. Undiksha has successfully met the performance targets outlined in the performance agreement. This performance report provides an objective perspective of Undiksha's performance in 2023. The report also describes the challenges and problems faced while reaching performance, acting as a reference for future work strategies and innovations. It is believed that this performance report would be beneficial as a resource for analyzing program/activity and budget planning, developing educational and cultural policies, and enhancing performance in the future year.