Headline News
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Buleleng Community Embraces the Spirit of Art and Culture through Kamboja Harmoni Festival
Buleleng, October 29, 2024 - The Kamboja Harmoni Festival, held at the former Buleleng Harbor, officially concluded with a closing ceremony led by the Dean of FBS Undiksha, I Gede Nurjaya. Initiated by BEM FBS Undiksha with support from HMJ within the FBS environment, this festival aimed to share the joy of art and culture with the local community while fostering collaboration with broader... Selengkapnya →
FBS Undiksha Strengthens International Networks: Prof. Lokita Delivers Guest Lecture in Taiwan
Prof. Dr. IGA Lokita Purnamika Utami, S.Pd., M.Pd., a distinguished lecturer from the English Education Study Program, Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS), Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha), served as a guest lecturer at Tamkang University, Taiwan on November 29, 2024. Representing the FBS Undiksha delegation, Prof. Lokita participated in an international academic forum organized by the... Selengkapnya →
PKM FBS Cup 2024: A Platforms for Undiksha Students’ Collaboration and Creativity
The Faculty Language and Arts (FBS) at Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) successfully held the Student Creativity Program (PKM) FBS CUP 2024 events on Tuesday, November 19, 2024. The event took place in the Jayaprana room, FBS Undiksha, with participation of 36 students grouped into 8 teams. The participants came not only from FBS study programs but also from the other study programs... Selengkapnya →
FBS Undiksha Honors Two Art and Design Department Lecturers on Their Retirement After 38 Years of Service
Singaraja, October 31, 2024 - The Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS) at Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) held a heartfelt retirement ceremony to honor two esteemed lecturers from the Fine Arts Education Study Program, Drs. Agus Sudarmawan, M.Si., and Drs. Jajang S., M.Sn., who have dedicated 38 years of service to the institution. The event took place in the FBS common room, attended... Selengkapnya →
Dekatkan Informasi Kampus, Tim PMB FBS Undiksha Sambangi SMA-SMK di Gianyar
Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni (FBS) Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha) terus berupaya meningkatkan akses informasi bagi calon mahasiswa baru. Sebagai bagian dari strategi promosi dan sosialisasi, Tim Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru (PMB) FBS Undiksha mengunjungi sejumlah sekolah di Kabupaten Gianyar, mulai dari Sukawati hingga Tampaksiring, pada Senin, 10 Februari 2025. Kunjungan ini menyasar empat... Selengkapnya →