Page 195 - KELOMPOK RESEARCH & PROFILE Prodi S3 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
P. 195
Animals of Nusantara (Virtual Reality
Android Application) will be a good choice
to be innovative and attractive media for
young learners. They can learn the Endemic
Animals in Nusantara (Indonesia) based on
their fauna classification. There are three
kinds of animals‟ classification, Wallace,
Weber, and Australis. Which one type has
three animals. Every animal has its own brief
explanation. It makes the students learn
easier. The teacher can use this media and
collaborate it with their other learning
materials which are related to the topic. For
example, teacher are asking students to
observe Indonesia endemic animals in reality.
The best way that teacher can offer is by
using this product Animals of Nusantara, after
observing the Animals through the VR
students are able to describe that Animals
physically and behaviorally without going to
the zoo or even to their real habitat. Since
virtual reality was introduced in educational
learning activities, students seem very
interested in using VR as the supplementary
learning material along with the teacher
Kiwa Tengen Virtual Reality-based game is
designed to help students to engage their
interest in learning the Balinese Language.
This game also supports the Government of
Bali regulation number 80 in 2018 requires to
use the Balinese Language every
Wednesday. This game also supports the
21st learning activities which use technology
as the media of transferring knowledge.
Moreover, based on the students‟ need in
learning nowadays, we are a concern to
develop fun and attractive learning activity
which could teach the Balinese Language