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Goal 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns by promoting resource and energy efficiency, sustainable infrastructure, and reducing waste and pollution. It’s in businesses’ interest to find new solutions that enable sustainable consumption and production patterns. A better understanding of environmental and social impacts of products and services is needed, both of product life cycles and how these are affected by use within lifestyles. Innovation and design solutions can both enable and inspire individuals to lead more sustainable lifestyles, reducing impacts and improving well-being.
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Petualangan Tak Terduga ke Festival Yomitan Jepang Bersama Anak SMP
Petualangan Tak Terduga ke Festival Yomitan Jepang Bersama Anak SMP
Saya Dewa Putu Eka Indra Yana, teman-teman memanggil saya Dewa Indra. Saya adalah seorang pelajar bahasa Jepang di Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha yang lulus program magang internasional di Hotel Nikko Alivila Yomitan Resort Okinawa, Jepang bersama dengan tujuh teman lainnya. Selama 6 bulan... Read more →