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Study Program of Medicine


Becoming an excellent Study Program of Medicine in the field of tourism medical science based on the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana in Asia in 2045


  1. Conducting dignity education and instruction to produce competitive and character human resources based on the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana and having special competences in tourism medical science.
  2. Conducting innovative and competitive research for the development and application of medical science and technology based on the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana and having special competences in tourism medical science.
  3. Conducting innovative and competitive community service based on the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana and having special competences in tourism medical science.
  4. Integrating medical science and technology, sports, tourism, education, research and community service in the implementation of tourism medical science.


  1. Producing graduates who are excellent, dignified and having special competences in tourism medical science.
  2. Producing graduates who are able to conduct research based on science and technology oriented towards tourism medical science.
  3. Producing graduates who are able to conduct community service activities oriented to tourism medical science.
  4. Producing graduates who are able to integrate education, research and community service in the implementation of tourism medical science.

For more information on the Study Program of Medicine